Validation of UK Biobank Data for Mental Health Outcomes: A Pilot Study Using Secondary Care Electronic Health Records


UK Biobank (UKB) is widely employed to investigate mental health disorders and related exposures; however, its applicability and relevance in a clinical setting and the assumptions required have not been sufficiently and systematically investigated. Here, we present the first validation study using secondary care mental health data with linkage to UKB from Oxford - Clinical Record Interactive Search (CRIS) focusing on comparison of demographic information, diagnostic outcome, medication record and cognitive test results, with missing data and the implied bias from both resources depicted. We applied a natural language processing model to extract information embedded in unstructured text from clinical notes and attachments. Using a contingency table we compared the demographic information recorded in UKB and CRIS. We calculated the positive predictive value (PPV, proportion of true positives cases detected) for mental health diagnosis and relevant medication. Amongst the cohort of 854 subjects, PPVs for any mental health diagnosis for dementia, depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia were 41.6%, and were 59.5%, 12.5%, 50.0% and 52.6%, respectively. Self-reported medication records in UKB had general PPV of 47.0%, with the prevalence of frequently prescribed medicines to each typical mental health disorder considerably different from the information provided by CRIS. UKB is highly multimodal, but with limited follow-up records, whereas CRIS offers a longitudinal high-resolution clinical picture with more than ten years of observations. The linkage of both datasets will reduce the self-report bias and synergistically augment diverse modalities into a unified resource to facilitate more robust research in mental health.

Andrey Kormilitzin
Andrey Kormilitzin
Senior Researcher

My research is centred around translating advances in mathematics, statistical machine learning and deep learning to address challenges involved in learning, inference and ethical decision making using complex biomedical and health data.

Alejo J Nevado-Holgado
Alejo J Nevado-Holgado
Associate Professor

I am an Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and the Big Data Institute, and part of Dementia Research Oxford. I am very glad to supervise the AI team in the TNDR, formed by 10 excellent machine learners and bioinformaticians. Our focus is on the applications of machine learning and bioinformatics to mental health care. In addition, I also hold a position at the Big Data Institute, where we collaborate in the application of machine learning to genomics and target discovery. I am also consultant to a number of AI companies.